
Saturday, November 10, 2012

White CHocolate Recipe


16 oz Cocoa butter
1 tsp lecithin
14 oz powdered dry milk (yes, this is what the professionals use)
14 oz sugar (powdered yourself, the prepowdered has cornstarch that makes the chocolate gummy)
You can also consider added a few onces of milk fat (clarified butter) as in done by most professionals. It makes a slightly differant white chocolate.

Because there are no cocoa solids present, you don't have to worry about roasting, cracking or grinding any cocoa beans. You can go straight to the Santha for refining.

Place the melted Cocoa butter in your Santha Wet Grinder. It is very helpful to have your solid ingredients warmed up to at least 120 F, including the Santha drum. Slowly add the 14 oz of sugar and 14 oz of milk powder into the melted cocoa butter while the Santha is running. Run the Santha until the white chocolate is of the smoothness you desire. I find 8-10 hours is about right. Your tastes may vary. If you pre-grind your sugar in a small food processor or coffee grinder (about 2 minutes work), you can usually reduce refining time by 2-3 hours or so.

After it is out of the Santha temper and mold up your chocolate into the shape of your choice.

Place into a cool, dry place to solidify and then unmold, ususally about 24 hours later to be safe. This can be done in a refrigerator if you wish.

White chocolate benefits from the resting like real chocolate, but I have found you need to protect it from heat and light a bit more or it can turn "off".

Santha is a brand of wet grinder machine. Wet grinders are very popular tools in the South Indian kitchen used to make paste out of soaked grains and lentils. At one time, a wet grinder consisted of a large rock with a hole in it, where a cylindrical rock with a wooden handle fit in. The grain and lentil mixture was poured in with water and the cylinder rotated by the handle on the top to grind the food together. The ground paste is used for various food items like idli, dosa, and vada.

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